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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic 2 : The Sith Lords

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Game Name : Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic 2 : The Sith Lords
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2006-01-11 17:31:49
Views : 25654

Dantooine: Jedi Master Robe:
Save Koohda but kill the Jedi Master. He will have a Jedi Master Robe on his corpse.

Dxun: Computer code:
When called back to Dxun by the Mandalore, you are given two missions. The main character Jedi goes to the capitol, but first with a cast member of your choice you will do a mission in the Dxun jungle. In the structure, there are two ancient computers in different locations that open big locked boxes with crystals in them. The first computer code is this string of numbers: (6*2)-8+9/1=13. On the second computer, the answer is: C.

Alternate menu:
After completing the game your character will appear on the main menu. Hint:

Alternate dialogue:
Successfully complete the game two times, once with a Light side ending and again with a Dark side ending. Start the game a third time to have new dialogue choices appear during the game.

Cheat mode:
Make a backup copy of the file. Use a text editor to edit the "swkotor2.ini" file in the game folder. Scroll to the "GAME OPTIONS" section and add the following line:


Save the file and start the game. Press ~ during game play then enter one of the following codes : Note: A console window will not appear. Press [Tab] to list all console commands.

Result - Code:

Heal selected character's health and Force points - heal
Add experience - addexp (number)
Add indicated number of levels - addlevel (number)
Press W or S to move faster; repeat to disable - turbo
God mode - invulnerability
Restart mini-games, if you lose - restartminigame
Turn darkness into brightness - bright
Add Light side points - addlightside (number)
Add Dark side points - adddarkside (number)
Press M to show entire map - revealmap
Get additional credits - givecredits (number)
Spawn indicated item - giveitem (item name)
100 Med Kits - givemed
100 Advance Repair Kits - giverepair
100 Computer Spikes - givecomspikes
100 Section Spikes - givesecspikes
100 Armor - givesitharmour
All limited use items never expire - infiniteuses
Show exact location on map - whereami
Travel to indicated map - warp (map name)
Set "Computer Use" skill - setcomputeruse (1-99)
Set "Demolitions" skill - setdemolitions (1-99)
Set "Stealth" skill - setstealth (1-99)
Set "Awareness" skill - setawareness (1-99)
Set "Persuade" skill - setpersuade (1-99)
Set "Repair" skill - setrepair (1-99)
Set "Security" skill - setsecurity (1-99)
Set "Treat Injury" skill - settreatinjury (1-99)
Set "Strength" attribute - setstrength (1-99)
Set "Dexterity" attribute - setdexterity (1-99)
Set "Construction" attribute - setconstitution (1-99)
Set "Intelligence" attribute - setintelligence (1-99)
Set "Wisdom" attribute - setwisdom (1-99)
Set "Charisma" attribute - setcharisma (1-99)

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Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic 2 : The Sith Lords Cheat Codes at Game Score
Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic 2 : The Sith Lords Cheat Codes at Cheat Mad
Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic 2 : The Sith Lords Cheat Codes at Jumbo Cheats
Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic 2 : The Sith Lords Cheat Codes at Cheat Patch

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